Archive for the ‘Other’ Category

COVID requirements pre travel Brisbane
December 7th, 2020Do you need a COVID test before you travel and are you based in Brisbane? Do you ALSO need a doctor’s letter ? or is it just a COVID PCR Nasal swab test? or do you need a blood test as well ?? Yes, it can be very confusing. Make sure you get precise instructions […]

Australian Immunisation Register and US
January 29th, 2018The Australian Immunisation Register ( AIR ) has been touted with much fanfare, but still has a few problems… in that not all doctors software is compatible with it. Our software for example is not. Computer experts all over the country are working on getting all the software of Aussie doctors to work seamlessly together, […]
Lyssavirus : Look but don’t touch
September 14th, 2015This blog post has been updated today Sept 14, 2014 The report in the media about Lyssavirus being found in a flying fox in Brisbane is a good reminder about LOOK BUT DONT TOUCH. Flying fox are perfectly safe if you don’t touch them. Anyone who has had physical contact with a flying fox should seek […]
Q Fever – comment on The Quiet Curse
July 13th, 2015The ABC program Landline The Quiet Curse” recently featured the disease Q fever. This has generated a lot of enquiries about Q Fever to our clinic. Q Fever rarely attracts media attention and yet it is among the most costly and severe infectious diseases in Australia. Persons at occupational risk should be vaccinated. Our specialised […]
What if I have eaten ‘those Hepatitis A berries’
February 19th, 2015We have had numerous phone calls to the clinic regarding the media reports of persons contracting Hepatitis A from frozen berries in Australia e.g. this one. It is reported the berries were packed in a polluted river in China. This highlights how global our food sources have become, and even if we are not travelling, […]
MEDIA RELEASE ‘Love Your Lungs at 65 Years Young’ this Pneumonia Awareness Week Almost two-in-three Queensland seniors may be jeopardising their ‘golden years’ by not protecting against an often fatal lung infection, despite being at increased risk.1 Lung Foundation Australia’s ‘Love Your Lungs at 65 Years Young’ research released today reveals 94 per cent of […]
Don’t let soccer fever turn into yellow fever
April 16th, 2014MEDIA RELEASE 17 APRIL 2014 Queensland doctors are issuing Aussie fans and footballers heading to Brazil for the 2014 FIFA World Cup with a ‘yellow card for yellow fever’. Queensland travel health pioneer, Dr Deborah Mills, aka ‘Dr Deb’, Brisbane, is joining forces today (Thursday, April 17) with the Australian medical football team, the Docceroos, […]
Risk of death from scombroid poisoning astonishingly small
February 8th, 2014QLD media release WED, FEBRUARY 5, 2014 A form of fish poisoning resembling an allergic reaction that occurs within a few hours of eating histamine-contaminated fish – was reportedly responsible for the recent deaths of an Aussie mum and daughter. However according to Dr Deborah Mills (aka “Dr Deb”), Medical Director, Dr Deb The […]
World Rabies Day 2013
September 27th, 2013QLD media release and media outcomes FOR WORLD RABIES DAY SAT, SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 ‘Look, but don’t touch’ urges Queensland rabies expert A leading travel-health pioneer will issue Queenslanders with a public health warning today (Saturday, September 28) about the risks associated with a disease that kills an estimated 55,000 people each year.1 Dr Deborah […]
Yellow Fever Exemption
August 22nd, 2013Many people have recently been ringing our clinic and asking … Is it acceptable to have a medical exemption for yellow fever vaccine instead of the vaccination certificate? Some of our patients have been told by their travel agent that the exemption certificate is not good enough and they must get vaccinated. This is ill […]